Challenge - Improve the user experience in order for their visitors to explore the whole museum and feel less overwhelmed by the excessive content on offer.
Insight - Museum of Witchcraft is located in Boscastle, Cornwall and is the home to thousands of rare artefacts. While they are known for their extensive knowledge on the subject, the cottages’ scale prevents visitors from fully experiencing what they have to offer. The museum also attracts visitors from all demographics and therefore struggles to satisfy them all.
Solution - Introduce a new service to allow visitors to choose from various levels of expertise and explore throughout the museum by using the ‘Discover’ app. The ‘Discover’ app will give visitors the ability to limit or increase the amount of information on offer to them depending on how they wish to engage with. By removing the signage allows for a greater focus on the artefacts and a more inclusive experience for all.

Brand Identity.
Honesty, Discovery and Magic. 
Inspired by an old tale where witches would go through the forest to the hills at night to practise their craft, each ‘hill’ shape represents a different level of knowledge.
Their identity avoids common symbols associated with witchcraft and instead portray them as individuals bound together by their aspiration to make magic.
UX Design.
‘Discover’ is an app which aims to reduce the amount of text in the space and focus more on the objects. Visitors will be able to experience the museum in a way that suits them by creating three different levels to choose from. Therefore producing a more valuable experience i.e. learning the basics or discovering more.
The ‘My Archive’ section allows the visitor to capture artefacts they want to save and revisit. This reduces the amount of text surrounding the objects and instead encourages independent discovery.
Problem solving.
Due to lots of holiday makers in Cornwall, Museum of Witchcraft needed to find a way to sell tickets externally as well as internally as they were having to send visitors away. By doing this, the visitor can make themselves prepared for their visit, download the app and create a more personal visit.
~ Above - 'Discover' App Prototype Video  ~
Creating a more personal experience.
By purchasing your tickets in advance,  visitors will receive tickets designed in relation to their level of knowledge. In turn, the museum staff can offer a more appropriate and effective tour.​​​​​​​
App alternative.
Should the visitor arrive being unaware of the ‘Discover’ app, they will be given a guidebook which will function in a similar way.  However due to the limitations of a booklets function (i.e less adaptable), the app would then be an added bonus for the visitor, should they wish to learn more.​​​​​​​
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